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The PencilWorks Team, December 4 2018

“This is not my problem.”

We support local community political involvement

We live in a world where we think someone else will fix it. Whether it’s the economy, civil rights, or immigration, we often push aside the major issues in our lives because we think we are powerless, unqualified, or too busy.

This has to transform.

If we are ever going to fix climate change, or denuclearize our society, we must take stand for what we want to create.

Here are some things we are doing in Greenpoint PencilWorks to engage our community and solve issues together:

1.) Discounted services: Rent costs are rising, so web developers in PencilWorks have offered discounted services to help people get their pages and their SEO up to snuff. Reach out to us for details.

2.) Pivoting: sometimes the market shifts, so your business gets to shift too. Entrepreneurs in PencilWorks have been brainstorming with each other how to address changing markets. Collaboration is really easy when you know your neighbors.

3.) Greenpoint Open StudiosGreenpointers is organizing Greenpoint Open Studios, to help bring focus onto the arts in the neighborhood. Even as software continues to eat the world, creative thought will remain one of the last bastions of the human experience that is safe from the coming AI revolution. Without arts in our community, what kind of world are we living in?

4.) Local Politics. The democratic primaries are June 26. We want to host political candidates in our space that represent our community. Please reach out to us and let us know who you’d like to see here.

5.) Planting trees. We are requesting more trees to be planted in empty plots around Greenpoint through Greening Greenpoint.

Here are some things we would like to see in the coming months:

1.) Citizen organized groups.

What kind of transformations would you like to see in Greenpoint?

2.) Free tech classes.

We want to run some free classes in exponential technology. What would you like to learn? Machine Learning? Blockchain/Cryptocurrency coding?


We look forward to creating this transformation with you all, so we can focus on building our community, not just a community building.

The Greenpoint PencilWorks Team

Written by

The PencilWorks Team

Previous Startup Guide: New York